Prioritise Development Process over Schedule

Santosh Bhat, the co-founder of Linear Scheduling tool, Turbo-Chart, has advised planners and schedulers to prioritise the project schedule development process over the project schedule output. He made the recommendation in a podcast with Aphex’s duo of Jason Lancini and Carlos Carvalho, and as expected, this has generated quite of bit of comments on the business networking site, LinkedIn.

While a good number of people agreed with Santosh, a few others had differing opinions, such as Vladimir Liberzon, who averred that a “poor schedule developed by perfect process means huge loses” for a project, while Dave Hawkins buttressed Vladimir’s position by emphasising that the project schedule is the plan for the project, the basis for performance measurement and in some cases, the trigger for payment milestones.

Those who agreed with Santosh’s comments like Andrew Lenertz, Bill Duncan and Pedro Jesus Ortega, all highlighted the advantages of project schedule development process, such as buy-in from the project team and early identification of issues and risks.

What is your take on this? Do project schedules matter? Is the journey more important than the destination? Join discussion on LinkedIn and add your 2 cents.

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