Junior Planner or Scheduler: 5 Things You Might Not Have Been Told
Are you just starting out as a Junior Planner or Scheduler? Then here are 5 things to consider.
Sorting by Start Dates in P6
Sorting by start dates in Primavera P6 is quite easy but there are times when two activities with same start dates but different finish dates are not sorted in the desired order.
My Settings #05: Schedule Roll-up in Microsoft Excel
This post is about an easy and cost effective way to prepare a simple but very effective one-page summary schedule that will always grab a manager's attention as it can fit into a presentation slide.
My Settings #04: Schedule Roll-up in Microsoft Project & P6
This post is about how I set-up my Microsoft Project 2010 and Primavera P6 v16.1 so that my summary schedules present more meaningful information.
My Settings #03: P6 Layouts & Filters
P6 Layouts & Filters are 2 of the most used functionalities in P6 and today I'll be explaining why I like saving my Layouts as Project Layouts and Filters as Layout Filters.
My Settings #02: P6 Duration Unit & Date Format
Today's post is a continuation of my P6 settings where I explain why I develop & update schedules with duration in hours and date format with time displayed.
My Settings #01: P6 Relationships Tab
In all my P6 layouts, I always enable the Details form on the bottom layout and this post is about the Relationships tab of the Details form.
Highlight Multiple Calendars in a P6 Schedule
It is usually hard to tell the working calendar of an activity in a P6 schedule when looking at a pdf but luckily, there are ways to highlight different calendars.
Quickly Add Columns to a P6 Layout
Learn how to quickly add new fields (columns) to a Primavera P6 Gantt Chart layout.
Assigning Actual Dates Shortcuts for P6 Beginners
Are you looking for ways to reduce the number of times you have to click through prompts to assign actual dates in P6?
Assign Multiple Predecessors or Successors to Multiple P6 Activities at Same Time
Learn an easy and quick way to assign multiple predecessors or successors to multiple activities at the same time in Primavera P6.
Good Practice: Schedule Trend Charts
Trend analysis produces good graphical reports, which track actual schedule performance and provide an indication of likely future performance.
Create Similar Activities in other P6 WBS Elements
Here is a fast way to create similar activities in different P6 WBS elements.
Highlight Time Periods in a P6 and MS Project Gantt Charts
How to highlight periods of delays, weather seasons or downtimes on a Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project Gantt chart using curtains.
Highlight Rows in Excel that Meet a Criteria
Microsoft Excel is one of the most widely used reporting tools by Planners and Schedulers and this quick tip, will show how to highlight rows in an Excel worksheet that meet a criteria.
Good Practice: Schedule Basis
Have you inherited or received a schedule and you could not understand the reason for some of the information in schedule and wished there was an accompanying document, which provided the assumptions used to build the schedule?
Working with Multiple Task Calendars in Microsoft Project
Ever tried working with multiple task calendars in Microsoft Project and could not understand why the durations in days or weeks were not as expected?
Understanding How P6 Works
Primavera P6 is massive and for someone new to P6, it can be daunting. Most P6 training courses will only teach you how to use P6 without any explanation on why P6 does things in a certain way and for people switching to P6 from other scheduling software, things can get really confusing.