Microsoft Project Baseline Percent (%) with Weighted Summary Roll-up
The workaround in this tutorial is for Primavera P6 Users looking for ways to display a baseline % complete column in Microsoft Project. This workaround also shows how to roll-up summary tasks % complete.
Excel Pimps Up Conditional Formatting
Good news for Planners and Scheduler who depend on Excel for reporting as the Conditional Formatting gets a makeover with resizable dialog box and ability to duplicate rules.
Microsoft Project for P6 User – Assign Activity Codes
Learn how to use Custom Fields to replicate Primavera P6 Activity Codes to enable grouping and/or filtering of tasks in Microsoft Project.
Schedule Risk Analysis, Record Keeping and Liquidated Damages
This week’s review of blogsphere brings you posts about risk analysis, importance of keeping records when it comes to EOT and the advantages of LD clauses. If you like pie-charts, then you might want to read why they are considered ugly.
Ways to achieve on-time project delivery and types of construction contracts
This week’s review features one of the best articles I have read in a long time and it is from Planning & Scheduling experts, Glen Palmer and Chris Carson. You want to read about their recommended approaches to a successfully on-time delivery of projects.
Why You Should Build a New Project Schedule from Scratch
When it comes to building a new project schedule, while it is very tempting to use a copy of an existing schedule from a previous project of similar scope and adapting it to suit, I would advise against it.
10 Excel Functions Junior Planners and Schedulers should be using
Microsoft Excel is a powerful analytical and reporting tool and here are 10 Excel functions I think budding Project Planners & Schedulers should be using.
Quality Project Data, Effective Site Communication and Integrated Risk Analysis
This week’s review highlights the need for good quality project data and the advantages of integrating schedule & cost risk analysis. It also discusses how to prevent and expediate claims on construction projects as well as how to improve communication at construction sites.
Time Location Charts, Free Template & Mini-Course
Read about the LinkedIn discussion on the use of Time Location charts on Linear Projects & get links to a free template & mini-course on planning processes
How to remove gaps after data date for activities in progress in Primavera P6
Do you have gaps on activity bars after the data date for activities that are in progress in Primavera P6? Get rid of the gaps with this quick tip.
How to stop Microsoft Project progress bar extending beyond status date
Here is a workaround that will ensure that your progress bars are always left of the status date line.
How to Prepare a Schedule Logic Report in Primavera P6
Is your project team struggling to follow the logic of your Primavera P6 schedule? Learn how to produce a schedule logic report that lists predecessors, their dates, relationship types, lags & driving status.
How to Export Microsoft Project Data to Excel for Analysis
If you have ever used Primavera P6, you would be surprised that exporting from Microsoft Project to Excel does not provide you with a ready to use data.
EPC Schedule Levels
Schedule levels refer to the details of activities in an issued schedule and should not be confused with the physical level of a schedule.
10 People to follow on LinkedIn & Planning Planet in 2020
LinkedIn and Planning Planet are two of my favourite websites and here is a list of 10 people I follow on LinkedIn or look out for their posts on Planning Planet. Reading from these people always makes my day.
How to Display P6 Durations in Both Hours & Days
This tutorial outlines the steps required to display two different units of durations in a Primavera P6 schedule.
How to Trace Driving Logic in Microsoft Project 2010
Find out how to trace the driving relationship logic between activities in a Microsoft Project schedule just as you would in Primavera P6
9 Project Planning Blogs to Follow
This post is about other blogs that I visit and would recommend that you also visit as these blogs provide rich Project Planning and Scheduling contents.